Friday, October 24, 2014

Banking Applications,Library System and Expert System


Technology has now revolutionized and everything is all about internet. For example:
  •         Internet Banking
  •         Automated Teller Machines (ATM)
  •         Chip and PIN technology


ATM is an electronic device that allows customers to withdraw cash and receive a report of the account's balance. Anyone with a debit card can access ATM.


        Not available in remote places.
        Cannot avoid illegal use in case of stolen card.
        Some banks charge users for using ATMs


        You can withdraw cash at any time, day or night. The banks don’t need to be open.
        ATMs offer the convenience of multiple locations. You can withdraw cash at any bank that is part of the system to which your ATM card is linked.

        Your ATM card is protected by a PIN, keeping your money safe.

Chip and PIN

This system is designed to increase the security than relying only on a signature. Chip is a computer chip embedded in the smartcard, and PIN is to a personal identification number that the customer must supply. Chip and PIN is used for payment system for credit, debit, and ATM cards.

For example:

        The waiter inserts the card into the chip and PIN reader.
        The customer enters the PIN using a keypad.
        The PIN is read from the chip on the card and is compared to the one just keyed in.
        If they are the same, then the transaction can proceed.
        A check is then made on whether they have enough funds.
        The same amount of money is credited to the restaurant’s bank account.
        A receipt is produced as proof of purchase.

  •  It doesn't take a long time to pay for your purchases
  •  It helps reduce robbery at tills

  •   Risk of people seeing your PIN
  •   Can cause problems for people who are travelling in countries which do not use Chip and PIN


          Library nowadays makes use of technology. It involves the use of barcodes which are used to track items owned, orders made, bills paid, and patrons who have borrowed.

There are two files describe a computerized library system based on barcodes:

  •      Book Files which contains:
1.       Barcode
2.       Book Title
3.       Name of Author
4.       Date Published
5.       Number of Books
6.       Date due back

        Borrower’s Files which contains:

1.       Borrower’s Name
2.       Borrower’s Number
3.       Borrower’s details
4.       Barcode of the book borrowed

     When a borrower takes out a book, the book’s barcode is scanned and linked to data the book’s title as well as the due date.


Expert system is a computer system that replicates what a human usually does as an expert. It did its job just like how the experts did their jobs with the same knowledge. It’s amazing how a system can mimic the knowledge of an expert. Expert system is used in:

        diagnoses human illnesses
        make financial forecasts
        schedule routes for delivery vehicles
        X-Ray diagnosis

Steps for setting up an expert system:

        Interview the expert about the things required in the expert system
        Knowledge base, rules base and inference engine is designed and created
        User interface is also created
        The expert system is now tested whether it qualifies or not
        Lastly, asking about the opinion of the experts about what do they think about the expert system.


        Will never get tired
        Expert advice is available at all times which means that even without the ‘real’ expert, the work still can be done


        Still not as good as the ‘real’ experts
        Uncreative solutions
        A narrow range of knowledge

Knowledge Base
     Knowledge base is the base where the experts give the information inputs. All the information needed is stored here.

Inference Engine

                Inference engine is where the problems are solved according to the information provided by the experts. Here is where the user’s questions meet the expert’s conclusion/information.

Rules Base

                Rules base is made up of inference rules which are used by the inference engine to draw conclusions. They closely follow human-like reasoning.


Those are the explanations and I hope this will be useful for you. Thank you for reading!

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